Hi Héctor, let me give you a recent example in my own time on Medium. I have an article that gets a lot of traction on writing when you are past 50. A woman slammed me hard on how dare I make it an age thing (she was over 50), told me she was going to write an article of her own and would not reference mine because she hated it). Why would she take all that effort to point out everything she hated. There was no discussion, just her telling me I was wrong. The article has turned out to be very successful, but there was no exchange of ideas, not debate, just her telling me I was wrong and should have never written an article like that. I just banned her and moved on.
If you have something to add to a discussion Héctor, the ask the author to explain, or consider this point or explain what you didn’t understand. If you simply do not like what the author wrote, then ignore it and move on. This isn’t FB where the trolls live, this is a professional site of writers trying to make their way. To me, support them or ignore them, but negative comments are not needed.
I guess it is all about how you phrase the comment. I see things on here I do not like, especially on politics, and I ignore them. Their article and let it live or die on its own merit. It you are mean, and writing to just rant or make it about you, then yes you would be insensitive. If you join a discussion and interact with the author in positive way, then by all means go for it.
I hoped this helped, but as a writer, if you do not like my work then ignore it and keep moving.
Thank you for this positive interaction, it is greatlly appreciated.