Hi Steve, thoughtful note and well taken. There is much about thsi country that baffles me at times. i have traveled extensively in the UK having been there eleven times in the last five years or so, and have many friends and clients there. I do workshops which might have a several hundred attendees, most young business owners, and it never fails at the end of each day someone will say, "If I may ask, can you explain how your country works, it seems to be utter nonsense from our view?" Everyone laughs, but they still want to know how we can screw it up so badly, yet still manage to get by. I was from the generation of mid range hippies, starting college in 1970. Everything the millennials on this site write about could be straight out of the magaiznes of the days. old people have ruined this country, and only we know how to save it. I anticipate the millennial slap upside the head soon, since the oldest ones are now hitting forty. Lots of hippies hidden amongst the boomers, now homeowners and grandparents of kids who hate everything they now stand for in life. Oh, how this is going to be fun to watch Great comment Steve, and an intersting perseplctive much closeer to mine than you might realize. Thank you my friend, and a pint to you. T