Member-only story
Last One over the Cliff Is Me
Slow down my friend, let’s give Medium a chance to fix this
You, the writer screaming and running toward the cliff, following all the others who are emotionally on fire over this Medium thing… slow down my friends and breathe.
Slow down the mass rush to other sites. Slow down and give Medium time to react… and maybe fix this thing. Yes, we are all disappointed in the extreme drop in payouts. Yes, we all wonder where the boosts went? Yes, many writers, so many, are leaving it feels like you have to be part of it or be a loser. Does FOMO describe this herd mentality rambling in your writer’s head?
I am staying, too many years invested here to run away over a puddle of mud in the road. This is where I am, and where I will stay, as of now. Medium started out as a site for writer’s to explore and develop their abilities, maybe get read, maybe get some feedback and a bigger maybe is you might make some decent money.
But it also started as a community of creatives who found an opportunity for self expression here, and while the current direction of Medium is frustrating, this community still exists and is maybe the best part of the Medium experience.
Granted, the Medium model is tired. I pay almost as much for a single Diet Coke where I live as I do for the…