Member-only story
The Medium Community Rules of Civility (by a frustrated writer)
There is no other site like this, but there should be rules
The Medium writing site is a community venture shared by many thousands of intense readers, dreamers who write to be read and heard, skilled writers, social media wizards, fringe characters and mostly nice people sharing the best of who they are and what they love to write about for fun or to supplement other jobs.
But Medium can also be a frustrating site if you are a writer. The rules change, as they should, the money varies, as it mostly does in real life, yet we all manage to figure out changes and keep moving along.
There is probably nothing else like this site in the world, a place where poets and AI people coexist, where the short story person can practice their craft, and where you can get help from those who have gone before you on everything from sexual adventures to online marketing.
But I think the community needs rules of self-governing
I am writing this after a visit from the King of Trolls, an obvious escapee from Facebook, who ranted and decided to educate me about a recent poem I had written.