Member-only story
Who We Were Is Not Who We Will Be
We are not the bad choices we have made in life
We all make bad choices in life, those questionable decisions keeping us awake and staring at the ceiling at three in the morning wondering what the hell we had been thinking when we did that, if we were even thinking at all?
We choose the worst of jobs, the living nightmare of all spouses, and we trust people in business deals without a shred of paperwork to keep us safe.
We also start businesses that fail and we spend money we haven’t even earned yet on lost weekends when maybe we should have just stayed home and stared at the computer.
Making bad choices is what we all do in life, with some of us excelling at the task burning through life one terrible choice at a time; but living trapped by those choices is not what you do when attempt to get on in the world as fully functioning adults.
There isn’t a better indicator of growing and achieving some level of mental maturity — doing that adult thing — than the day you get up and realize nothing gets better in life until you make better choices, your choices, owned by you, and never, ever blaming anyone else for who you are and how you live.
We are who you are because of the choices we made up until going to bed last night. But…